Sunday, September 5, 2010


The work on the wheel is going well. It is innitially a proof of prototype model and once proven, work will commense in earnest on the fully self powered wheel to evaluate the full output power capabilities in relation to its size. It must be stressed that this is not a portable power plant but a home, farm or factory based one.


  1. Will the technology be evident in the prototype? Or with the perpetual motion still be a secret to the observer?

    1. I think it would be prudent to keep the technology secret until remuneration has been secured.
      An enormous ammount of work,time and research has gone into the final prototype.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. After a long and arduous search things have finally come together.The wheel should make it's appearance soon after the prototype has been tested.
    It's principle of operation is very sound and can never be disputed by physicists and the scientific community.
