Saturday, July 31, 2010

Constant Power Wheel

There is a conserted effort to produce for world wide manufacture the prototype of a wheel that is capable of producing power at a constant rate without requiring energy of any kind .
This wheel is perpetual and will run maintainance free for years.It revolves at a constant RPM and therefore ideally suited for the generation of A/C current or D/C. The homeowner will be free once and for all from energy bills and transport expenses for the electric car.
It is hoped that the wheel will be ready for launch sometime this year. The market for this wheel will be world wide and should level the playing field between the rich and poor with a drastic reduction in food and energy costs. The wheel will be named The Constant Power Wheel.


  1. It is anticipated that this constant wheel project will come under the most vehement criticism as it will challenge the mindset of physicists and scientists who have been schooled to believe that according to Newton you cannot get energy from nothing.
    Just as they declared that a heavier than aircraft would never fly,perhaps they will be proved wrong again!

  2. Trevor,
    I have found a way to weed out all the fakes and those who are taking FOREVER to produce any results from their efforts . I am building the device , and then we can compare them .

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